Monday, August 20, 2012

beat 292 - course

"Some people never feel real love. I'm sure this is a truth. I think people settle, especially girls. I was never one of those people because I was lucky enough to feel true love at a very young age.

She and I would escape our lives by holing up in the attic of my moms house. We would go down to the beach at night, sit on the pier for hours talking. They all suspected we were having sex. Which we were. But that wasn't it. We were having real life talks, the kind most of my friends didn't have until a decade later, after college usually. But this girl, whoa, this girl she taught me about life. She taught me how to make a girl shiver from moves with the lights off to questions that reached the core. And this girl, whoa, this girl had the power of sensuality. And so I fell in love easily.

I'd talk about my feelings to other guys, no one got it. Until much later. Of course it hurt losing her, but she always popped back in at random times. She kept a piece of my heart in her hands and the moment she came back in to my life, she would show me that she still cared for my heart with all her love.

I tried to replicate that love through the years. I tried to explain to girls that wanted to convince me to be with them that love is just love, without efforts. But some don't get it. They don't understand it because they have never felt it. They haven't felt it because they are afraid of finding out how they truly are. And if you don't know you, you cannot know anyone else. And that's why the girl in the attic will always be my love, because she taught me about me. She showed me how to love myself. That girl. That girl. That girl."

-Kingston, NYC

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