Tuesday, December 21, 2010

beat 263 - reborn

"I have put off writing this post for so long because all I had to write about my heart was aching and missing and feeling empty from loss.
I don't want my heart to be immortalized that way.
My mother passed away a year and a half ago and my heart felt nothing for so long, then it hurt so much that I was stuck in a moment in time.
I couldn't see anything before when she was sick and couldn't imagine what life would be like in the future. After sixteen months, I finally feel like I am able to remember and celebrate all of our memories together. Even more importantly my heart is excited to look ahead and see what life still has in store for me. 
It is excited for summer vacations with my husband.
It is excited to meet my nieces who will be born in just a few months.
It is excited to plan a family with my husband to see what that family portrait will look like one day.
it is excited to see what that family tree will look like since it will be very different from the one I imagined four years ago.
It is excited to see what the next chapter has written for us, and for the first time in a long time, it is not afraid. It is full of hope and love and waiting to experience everything life has in store for us in the days, weeks, months, years and decades ahead."

-Lindsay Newblatt Reitzes, Brooklyn, NY
Bryan Bantry Inc.

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