Tuesday, December 28, 2010

beat 270 - vitality

"I always challenge my heart to be as open and understanding as possible. As it's only natural to have scars and build walls from past experiences. I try to keep my heart from just becoming a blob of scar tissue. I let it feel true emotions, accept those emotions, and move forward. So that a past experience will not hinder or block a new one. If someone betrays me, I may lose trust in that person...but I don't let my heart lose the ability to ever trust again. If my heart feels like it's given enough love it could ever possibly give, I meet a new person and embrace new friendships with open arms. I try my best to retain the innocence of curiosity and risk taking.

My heart is full of love, full of happiness, full of hope and even full of hurt. I look at each of my experiences as a gift...and that's why I feel so overwhelmingly grateful in my life."

-Angelina Kim, Washington, DC
Founder of Passion Co-Pilot

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