"She is full, brimming, bursting. Inundated with joy, expanding in times of feast. She squirrels morsels of sustenance away for times of drought. She has known famine. She chooses to hibernate instead of constrict. Sometimes, she hides. Like a child frightened of raised voices or nightmares, she retreats into the recesses when startled. Other times, threats emblazon her. Impassion her. Make her a force to be reckoned with. She embraces her dichotomies.
She is rooted, extending her tentacles down my torso, through my thighs and shins, extending beyond my feet and into the earth. She branches down my arms into my fingertips. She initiates handshakes and hugs.
She is tender and strong. Wizened and scarred, but never closed. She is open. Emanating light. Proffering friendship. Seeking love.
She is the seat of my power. Combined with my gut, my compass. She points me home.
She breeds hope."
-Leigh MorLock, Siem Reap, Cambodia
thanks for including me!!! xoxo.