"My heart dances between fear and fearlessness, always with a subtle nod to compassion. I hope."
"my heart. oh my god, my heart.
my heart feels everything. everything. it's like a sponge, soaking up all the highs and lows and triumphs and tragedies of the world.
it hurts a lot, my heart. but it swells a lot, too.
it feels it all, this heart of mine.
my eyes get teary and my face goes red--the physical, visual manifestations of what my heart is experiencing--when i hear a certain song--it could be from 'the sundays' or mozart or 'm.ward' or an opera aria or 'the brian jonestown massacre'--, when i read a sentence in a beloved, dogeared book (the catcher in the rye, written on the body, elegy, sophie's choice...), when i see a gorgeous flower bursting with color, when i see the cambodian sunrise over the verdant, green rice paddies, when i smell apple pie baking and it conjures up memories of my mom.
i can feel my heart melting--drip, drip, drip--when my nephew hugs me, when a cambodian child squeaks, "hello! hello! hello!" at me when i ride by on my bike, when i touch my friend lisa's ever growing belly, her baby safely and warmly tucked inside.
my heart shatters into thousands of shards when i recall in my mom's last moments how she struggled to kiss me--and she did it!, when i see the gravestone of my never forgotten but long gone sister, when i look at my now ringless wedding finger. crack!, it echoes. crrrrrrack!
this heart freezes solid when i am faced with judgmental people and snobbery and elitism and racism and homophobia. it's icy cold and makes me shiver.
it pounds loudly from kisses, from sincere and real hugs, from emails and correspondence from people i adore, from gratitude.
i once felt it flip upside down and inside out from simply looking at someone right in the eyes.
oh, this heart of mine.
it feels, it feels."
-Elizabeth Kiester, Siem Reap, Cambodia
"j ai bien reflechi a la question et la je me suis rendu compte qu une question aussi simple pouvez etre boulversante et difficile a repondre tu doit savoir que je suis plutot d une nature melancolique et que je n aborde jamais les choses avec tranquilite je ne pense etre une personne torture mais voila je fais de mon mieux et cela se transforme en bouquet ;les fleurs sont un peu un refuge depuis mon enfance depuis la naissance de mon coeur car c est le debut de la reponse donc tu peux compter sur moi pour ajouter ma presence sur son blog, je developperai en restant le plus simple possible et voila et comme chaque chose qui se dise ou se fait vous etes deja sur mon coeur."
-Thierry Boutemy, Brussels, Belgium
very rough translation:
"I thought about it fully and u realized that a so simple question could also be distressing (or moving) and difficult to answer, you most know that I am a rather melancolic natures and that I never abord things with tranquility, I don’t believe that I am a tortured person but I do my best and that translates into a bouquet: the flowers are a little bit my refuge since my childhood since the birth of my heart because that’s the beginning of my answer so you can rely on me to add my presence on her blog, I will develop by staying the simplest possible and voila and like every thing that says or made you are already in my heart."